
Showing posts from November, 2019

The basic principle of robotics and AI

Artificial intelligence applied to robotics development requires a different set of skills from you, the robot designer or developer. You may have made robots before. You probably have a quadcopter or a 3D printer. The familiar world of  Proportional Integral Derivative  ( PID ) controllers, sensor loops, and state machines must give way to artificial neural networks, expert systems, genetic algorithms, and searching path planners. We want a robot that does not just react to its environment as a reflex action, but has goals and intent—and can learn and adapt to the environment. We want to solve problems that would be intractable or impossible otherwise. Robotics or a robotics approach to AI—that is, is the focused learning about robotics or learning about AI? about how to apply AI tools to robotics problems, and thus is primarily an AI using robotics as an example. The tools and techniques learned will have applicability even if you don’t do robotics, but just app...

The basic principle of robotics and AI

Artificial intelligence applied to robotics development requires a different set of skills from you, the robot designer or developer. You may have made robots before. You probably have a quadcopter or a 3D printer. The familiar world of  Proportional Integral Derivative  ( PID ) controllers, sensor loops, and state machines must give way to artificial neural networks, expert systems, genetic algorithms, and searching path planners. We want a robot that does not just react to its environment as a reflex action, but has goals and intent—and can learn and adapt to the environment. We want to solve problems that would be intractable or impossible otherwise. Robotics or a robotics approach to AI—that is, is the focused learning about robotics or learning about AI? about how to apply AI tools to robotics problems, and thus is primarily an AI using robotics as an example. The tools and techniques learned will have applicability even if you don’t do robotics, but just app...

The capabilities of Node.js

     Node.js is a platform for writing JavaScript applications outside web browsers. This is not the JavaScript we are familiar with in web browsers! For example, there is no DOM built into Node.js, nor any other browser capability. Beyond its native ability to execute JavaScript, the bundled modules provide capabilities of this sort: Command-line tools (in shell script style) An interactive-terminal style of program that is  Read-Eval-Print Loop  ( REPL ) Excellent process control functions to oversee child processes A buffer object to deal with binary data TCP or UDP sockets with comprehensive event-driven callbacks DNS lookup An HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP/2 client/server layered on top of the TCP library filesystem access Built-in rudimentary unit testing support through assertions The network layer of Node.js is low level while being simple to use.  For example, the HTTP modules allow you to write an HTTP server (or client) using a ...

Live Connection to Power BI Service

Another type of Live connection is to connect to a dataset published in Power BI service. This dataset will be treated as an SSAS instance. The dataset in Power BI service is hosted in a shared SSAS cloud environment. When you connect to it from Power BI Desktop, it is like connecting to an instance of SSAS with a Live connection. Type caption for image (optional) For this option, you need to be logged in to the Power BI Desktop. You will see a list of all datasets that you have Edit access on. Then you can choose one of them as illustrated. Power BI Online Training  Type caption for image (optional) After connecting to the dataset, you will see the Live Connection message at the bottom right-hand side of the Power BI Desktop. This method will work precisely similar to connecting to SSAS with the Live connection. Type caption for image (optional) Connecting to another dataset in power Bi service with Live Connection is the right approach for mu...

The Red and Blue Team in CyberSecurity

The Red/Blue Team exercise is not something new. The original concept was introduced a long time ago during World War I and like many terms used in information security, originated in the military. The general idea was to demonstrate the effectiveness of an attack through simulations. For example, in 1932 Rear Admiral Harry E. Yarnell demonstrated the efficacy of an attack on Pearl Harbor. Nine years later, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, it was possible to compare and see how similar tactics were used (22). The effectiveness of simulations based on real tactics that might be used by the adversary are well known and used in the military. The University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies has specialized courses just to prepare Red Team participants and leaders (23). Although the concept of reading eaming in the military is broader, the intelligence support via threat emulation is similar to what a cybersecurity Red Team is trying to accomplish.  The  ...