
Showing posts from October, 2019

The basic principle of robotics and AI

Artificial intelligence applied to robotics development requires a different set of skills from you, the robot designer or developer. You may have made robots before. You probably have a quadcopter or a 3D printer. The familiar world of  Proportional Integral Derivative  ( PID ) controllers, sensor loops, and state machines must give way to artificial neural networks, expert systems, genetic algorithms, and searching path planners. We want a robot that does not just react to its environment as a reflex action, but has goals and intent—and can learn and adapt to the environment. We want to solve problems that would be intractable or impossible otherwise. Robotics or a robotics approach to AI—that is, is the focused learning about robotics or learning about AI? about how to apply AI tools to robotics problems, and thus is primarily an AI using robotics as an example. The tools and techniques learned will have applicability even if you don’t do robotics, but just app...

Does Your Creating Bar Charts In Tableau  Pass The Test? 

Bar charts visually represent data in a way that makes comparisons of value across different categories easy. The length of the bar is the primary means by which you will visually understand the data. You may also incorporate color, size, stacking, and order to communicate additional attributes and values. Creating bar charts in Tableau is quite easy. Simply drag and drop the measure you want to see on either the  Rows  or  Columns  shelf and the dimension that defines the categories onto the opposing  Rows  or  Columns  shelf. As an analyst for the Superstore, you are ready to begin a discovery process focused on sales (especially the dollar value of sales). As you follow the examples, work your way through the sheets in the Chapter 01 Starter.twbx workbook. The Chapter 01 Complete.twbx workbook will contain the complete example, so you can compare your results at any time: Navigate to the  Sales by Department  sheet (view)....

OWASP Top 10 Mobile Risks

To conduct a security assessment of the iOS application, you need to follow some standard criteria from the industry.  Open Web Application Security Project  ( OWASP ) Top 10 Mobile Risks is the list of vulnerabilities that are usually found in iOS applications. The major difference between the latest OWASP Top 10 Mobile Risks and its earlier versions is the introduction of a new vulnerability in the list, that is, the lack of binary protection, which is the replacement of sensitive information disclosure. The latest OWASP Top 10 Mobile Risks, the Year 2014 list covers the following vulnerabilities: Weak server-side controls Insecure data storage Insufficient transport layer protection Side-channel data leakage Poor authorization and authentication Broken cryptography Client-side injection Security decisions via untrusted input Improper session handling Lack of binary protections Weak server-side controls Nowadays, most of the apps are hybrid apps...